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Here in the Wild is a multimedia natural history project started by Logan Parker to celebrate the biosphere and all of its component parts. Using photography and writing, this project aims to demonstrate the beauty, resilience, and vital importance of the natural world through the eyes of a naturalist and conservationist. 

Nature surrounds us and sustains us no matter where we are. We are as much a part of the natural world as it is a part of us. This project's goal is to illuminate that connectedness and to inspire us to be good stewards of the wild - in our backyards, our local green spaces, or off in the wilderness.


Logan Parker is an ecologist, naturalist, and photographer residing in Palermo, Maine. Fascinated with nature for as long as he can remember, Logan has long felt more at home in the fields, forests, coastlines, and wetlands of New England than any place else. 

Logan works as an ecologist for the Maine Natural History Observatory and a Special Species Technician for the ongoing Maine Bird Atlas. In 2017, Logan founded the Maine Nightjar Monitoring Project to collect data needed to inform the conservation of the Eastern Whip-poor-will and Common Nighthawk. 

A life-long Mainer, Logan lives with his family in an off-grid cabin in woods. Outside his natural history explorations, he enjoys gardening, traveling throughout New England (and sometimes beyond), and studying history and folklore.

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